• Still Learning

    They say you never stop learning. I think a few times in my life I would’ve challenged that and said what could I possibly learn now that I haven’t already…

  • Feels Good To Feel Good Again

    Is it too soon? Probably. Do I feel good right now? Absolutely! It’s still early and I don’t know how it all shakes out but I have a good feeling…

  • It’s So Big

    I’m never going to stop loving them. I’m talking about the ones who gave me their time and attention, the ones who made me feel whole for a time in…

  • Nothing Left Here

    I’m boarding a plane for Portland now. I spent the weekend back home in Wisconsin for my brother’s wedding. It was great to see my family and pay some of…

  • I Can Feel The Heal

    This is the best I’ve felt in months. There’s still some weird challenges and annoyances that come up, but by and large things are feeling better. I feel safe. I…

  • Gotta Get It Out

    It feels good to put my thoughts onto paper or in this case onto my blog. It helps me process and it helps me keep a record of how I…