It’s So Big

I’m never going to stop loving them. I’m talking about the ones who gave me their time and attention, the ones who made me feel whole for a time in…

Nothing Left Here

I’m boarding a plane for Portland now. I spent the weekend back home in Wisconsin for my brother’s wedding. It was great to see my family and pay some of…

I Can Feel The Heal

This is the best I’ve felt in months. There’s still some weird challenges and annoyances that come up, but by and large things are feeling better. I feel safe. I…

Gotta Get It Out

It feels good to put my thoughts onto paper or in this case onto my blog. It helps me process and it helps me keep a record of how I…

Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Finally I’m seeing some progress! I moved into my new place today and I’m so happy! It’s bigger than the last place I lived and it’s even closer to work!…

Sigh Of Relief

I’ve been really stressing about where my life was going but I think I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Things seem like they might finally be on track.…

On The Horizon

I’ve got a few things coming up that I’m kind of excited about. The biggest thing is that I’ve applied to a new place to live. It’s cheaper than the…

September Thoughts

The stinging pain of being rejected seems to be gone. There was once a thought that I’d never be able to live without her, but I’m beginning to see that…

Feeling Hopeful

These last few weeks have been very stressful. I’ve felt absolutely hopeless. As the time goes on, it’s starting to feel a lot better. I’m so grateful for the people…