BIGO’s Big Star Search

BIGO Live is doing it’s biggest star search ever and it’s looking for new and talented hosts to join its platform. They are giving away over $4500 as a reward…

BIGO Dino Plush Lotto

In an effort to offer value to viewers on BIGO I’m doing a BIGO Dino giveaway lottery. For only 50 diamonds, The Fireworks, you can get one entry into the…

Cody80 On Twitter

Since being restricted from posting to my bar on BIGO, I needed a new outlet to share my thoughts and ideas and discuss strategies. It felt like a natural progression…

Coming in Clutch! (PT 1)

In all the years I’ve been on BIGO Live, I’ve seen a lot of close calls. I’ve been on phone calls in the final minutes before somebody’s largest PK of…
Bar Post Banned

Bar Post Banned

I went and done it again. I pushed the envelope so far that they finally clipped me on BIGO. Luckily I’m not fully taken down. I can still go live…

SRKP: intro vow of now vows for

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